RFID UHF Mini Plastic Ticket for Waste Sorting Management

What is it?

A plastic Mini-Ticket, developed according to the customer’s requirements, measuring 43x18mm with EPC128bit and made up of two layers of Polyethylene between which the Inlay is inserted.
The tag, which is resistant to weather and atmospheric agents, is itself “protected” by a transparent plastic case, which is mounted directly to the bin to be identified.

How is it used?

The UHF RFID Ticket for Waste Managment was developed for the “pay as you throw” system, and to optimise waste collection operations.

The application of RFID technology in waste collection makes it possible to accurately quantify the waste generated by each user and thus monitor the actual level of utilisation of the collection service by each taxpayer. It is a simple and innovative method capable of collect accurate data for an accurate calculation of the tariff, also stimulating virtuous behaviour in users.

For more information contact us!