Bluetooth 5.0, new release has been introduced 16th of June

It is a turning point  that seems a real revolution what happened 16th of June 2016 in Washington,  where the new release of Bluetooth standard  has been announced.

After six years since last update, precisely, the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) has officially presented the features of Bluetooth 5.0, which function will be, as stated by the executive director Mark Powell, to upset the people approach to IoT (Internet of Things).

This  prediction is based on the increase  of the performance  that will characterize the new standard BT 5.0:  speed will reach 4mbps (twice as Bluetooth 4.0), communication distance that will be four times longer, up to 200 meters and data broadcasting, will increase of 800%, that means give the option to create longer “packet advertising”. These improvement will not imply an increase of battery consumption, which will be a life as longer as BT 4.0 one.

The standard Bluetooth 5.0 will be available on the market since the begin of 2017; it will take so long time because it seems that, to use a Bluetooth 5.0 device, it’s needed that both communicating devices must be Bluetooth 5.0 compliant: in the case in wich there is a communication between 2 devices , the first BT 4.2 compliant and the second BT 5.0 compliant, the features of the operating communication will be those of 4.2 Bluetooth Standard .

The applications that will enjoy this change, in addition to the usual application sectors (marketing and home automation), particularly will be those of the industrial sector, that could take advantages from the incredible improvement of the performance.

At now information are not completely exhaustive . It will be our care give you updates with attention to the particulars about the specifications of
the new Bluetooth 5.0 standard .