Warehouse Logistics Optimization

Warehouse Logistics Optimization

WAREHOUSE LOGISTICS OPTIMIZATION BENEFITS   Reduction of human intervention and resulting errors  Improved warehouse item traceability Reduction of loading, unloading, and handling In the field of logistics, RFID technology has been implemented to constantly monitor...


NFC APPLIED TO MARKETING BENEFITS   Enhancement of the company’s marketing and appeal Differentiation of the product from the competition Increased brand loyalty Offering an innovative customer experience    In order to offer an innovative customer...
Waste collection and management using RFID technology

Waste collection and management using RFID technology

Waste collection and management using RFID technology BENEFITS   Fair and punctual pricing  Reduction of personnel cost  Reduction of times and reduction of delays and missed collections Enviromental benefits  Accurate tax calculation, reduction of time/costs, and...
Innovation in tourism and museums

Innovation in tourism and museums

INNOVATION AND INTERACTIVITY IN TOURISM AND MUSEUMS BENEFITS   Participatory and creative experience Visitors interactively involved RFID also intertwines this framework of Tourism and exhibitions thanks to the ability to automatically detect an action or a transit to...
Self-Lending and Inventory in Libraries

Self-Lending and Inventory in Libraries

DOCUMENT INVENTORY AND SELF-LENDING IN LIBRARIES BENEFITS   More accurate inventory Automated library management with less employee intervention Fast and customised loan/return process Reduced management costs A municipal library system has adopted RFID technology to...
Culture and interactive entertainment

Culture and interactive entertainment

CULTURE AND INTERACTIVE ENTERTAINMENT BENEFITS   Participatory experience The user is involved in the path More immediate and direct communicative entertainment modes In the world of educational entertainment and exhibitions, it is crucial to keep the visitor’s...