Access control

The access control using the RFID technology is the most ancient and, maybe the easiest, between the applications concerning this technology.

The access control using the RFID technology is the most ancient and, maybe the easiest, between the applications concerning this technology.

The most classic example of application is the control access through a proximity reader ( for example to opening doors) with frequencies HF 13,56 Mhz ( today it replaces the utilizing of frequencies 125 Khz, considered outdated).

However today control access can be defined as many different solutions. Thanks to the introduction of 3D gate able to allow the access of people in order to enter a “free hand area”  it has been developed applications of involuntary access control or again the control vehicular access utilizing UHF passive technology or BLE technology thanks to their greater reading distance.

Consequently today are available many kinds of RFID transponder able to answer in a positive way about various applications: from the RFID traditional badge to the keychain or the bracelet, without forgetting transponder burglary tag ( similar to the motorway illustrations) to apply to your windscreen.

Finally we take up the subject to bind to a normal access control system even a management system of micropayments.